During lockdown, I was looking for children’s bedding. I noticed that most were made from polyester, so I started researching materials and the textile/fashion industry in general.

I found that the fashion industry is the 2nd largest polluter of clean water globally after agriculture. It uses toxic chemicals, dangerous dyes and synthetic fabrics that seep into water supplies.

Most polyester is not biodegradable. Furthermore, production of polyester uses harmful chemicals that when worn can be absorbed into skin and if emitted to water and air untreated can cause significant environmental damage.

I decided to dig a bit deeper to decipher what materials would not harm people or the environment.

Cotton looked pretty good until I started researching further. Non organic cotton is one of the most environmentally demanding crops. Cotton farming uses high levels of pesticides and toxic chemicals that seep into the earth and water supply.

Upon further investigation, I came across organic cotton.

Grown without harmful chemicals leaving soil, air and water free from contaminates that cause harm.

Uses far less water to grow. Growers typically utilise rain far more that irrigation.

Produces fewer greenhouse gases.

A material that doesn’t harm people and does much less damage to the planet.

I carried out some research and noticed there weren't any local brands who carried only 100% organic cotton items. I decided then I wanted to create a brand where every item sold would be made from 100% organic cotton. 

I wanted the brand to be ‘purpose led’ so I came up with the idea of ‘donate an act of kindness’ where the customer can choose which act of kindness to donate with every item purchased.

This was the start of CONSIDER ORGANICS.

A purpose led brand with sustainability at the heart of every decision.

A move away from fast fashion.

Great quality, long lasting, unisex products.

Produce on demand to avoid unnecessary waste.

Empower people to consider their actions on people and planet.

Give something back.

I hope you love it as much as I do!

Lindsay xx

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